Your Work Isn’t A One Time Fix


For the last 18 months, give or take, I’ve avoided looking at my reviews as a yoga teacher.
Before moving back to New York, reviews were a significantly smaller part of my job performance. Both in coaching and yoga, my success grew through word of mouth.
And it’s not that I didn’t want to know what people thought - or ways I could improve my classes.
It’s that I wanted to know too much.
Recently, I’d worked my way into a big funk. Nothing happened externally, but my internal narrative slipped back into old stories of “you’re such a loser. Who do you think you are? What are you even doing with your life?”
And in a moment of deep humanness I dug my heels into those stories. And decided to seek out some evidence to prove my inner critic right.
Note - this wasn’t a terribly conscious decision. But instead one of those moments where in the back of your mind you know what you’re doing, but a bigger part of you just isn’t willing to stop.
So I watched the train wreck as I googled ClassPass and started to scour for my reviews.
I went through hundreds. No, I’m not exaggerating. My inner bitch brain is a fiend. Not all of the reviews were mine, but page after page I kept scrolling.
In the hundreds I flipped through, I saw maybe 2 or 3 bad reviews about me. Stacked up against dozens of glowing reviews.
But you know what’s funny? Several days later, I find my brain skipping back to those few bad reviews.
Even after I’ve worked my way through my inner child reprogramming, my daily practice, my embodiment release. Even after I’ve done the healing work I preach on this platform day in and day out.
Because the work isn’t a one time fix. It’s not a phase. It’s not an easy button. It’s a new way of doing life.
This is why so many people struggle to create change. Whether you’re trying to manifest more money, start a business, build a better relationship with your body or yourself or your lover or your mom.
It works if you work it. And work it daily.
You feel me?




1. Get coached by me every month for $5 a day. Click here to join the Inner Circle - a group coaching membership where you'll get access to my entire library of digital content - from business trainings to manifestation programs, healing tools and embodiment practices, you get it all. And monthly coaching calls to ask me all your questions.

2. Feel like you suck at manifesting? Grab my How to (actually) manifest workshop here.

3. Listen to the Surviving to Thriving podcast if you want to get really intimate. This is where I share all things behind the scenes.... lessons learned, vulnerable moments, and tools to thrive in all areas of your life. Grab and journal and listen up!