When did you stop letting yourself be free


When did you stop believing that passion, desire or pleasure were reason enough to act?

When you were young, you didn’t play pretend - imagining you were a pirate, or a queen, or a dragon - for some external gain. You didn’t play to make more money, get more likes or finally feel successful.

You played for the joy of play.
Created for the ecstasy of creation.

Mud pies and abstract drawings - always colored outside to lines.

You danced because it felt good to dance. Laughed because it felt good to laugh.

So I wonder - when did that stop?

When did you start creating to get someone’s approval?
When did you start dreaming within the confines of someone else‘s reality?
When did you stop letting yourself be free - to dance, to create, to dream - for the fear of looking silly?

When I write, I do it from a place of passion. When I feel juicy, tapped in, ignited by what I have to say.
Creation from a place of depth.

And believe me - it’s not that I’m not afraid of being judged. Or rejected. I’m an entrepreneur - I stare rejection in the eyes every day, and still I create.

Because my passion, play and pleasure fuel me. Because I don’t deny myself the divinity of my desires. Because I have spent so much time loving on and connecting to the little version of me, who remembers what it’s like to play, laugh, and dance without concern.

What it’s like is freedom.

So my invitation to you is this: ask yourself, specifically… when did you stop letting yourself be free?

That is the moment where you start again.


1. Get coached by me every month for $5 a day. Click here to join the Inner Circle - a group coaching membership where you'll get access to my entire library of digital content - from business trainings to manifestation programs, healing tools and embodiment practices, you get it all. And monthly coaching calls to ask me all your questions.

2. Feel like you suck at manifesting? Grab my How to (actually) manifest workshop here.

3. Listen to the Surviving to Thriving podcast if you want to get really intimate. This is where I share all things behind the scenes.... lessons learned, vulnerable moments, and tools to thrive in all areas of your life. Grab and journal and listen up!