Workbooks + Guides

This is the space where you'll find all of the workbooks from your masterclasses, detox guides, worksheets and other resources. 

New Year's Abundance workbook

This pairs with the New Year's Abundance training in your masterclasses section. While this training + workbook focuses on setting up for a new year, you can use it anytime you need!

Self Care 101 Workbook

This workbook walks you through the process of creating your own self care menu, so you always have new ideas to pull from.

Core Value Finder Workbook

Life is better when you live in line with your values - but to do that, you've got to know what they are. Use this tool to find out.

Healthy Snacking Guide

Everyone loves snacks. Not so awesome? Garbage snacks filled with artificial chemicals. Use this guide to get new ideas and reference some of my favorite snack brands. 

Meal Planning Tools

Meal planning and prepping is one of the biggest struggles my clients face. I've found that simpler is better, so a basic meal planner and grocery list template are my go-to tools. 

One Day Detox Program

I believe that regular cleansing is necessary, but it doesn't have to feel restrictive. Try this detox, which combines food, exercise and mindfulness tools to have you feeling great in 24 hours.

Circle of Life

This is one of my favorite tools – I use this for weekly check-ins to see which areas of my life need work, and help me set regular goals. Use this to get a complete picture of your life as it stands.