Manifestation isn't Magic. But it works!


Of all the problems people ask me about, money anxiety, struggles with “getting by,” and “just enough,” crippling guilt and shame over debt are some of the most common.
So first, let me remind you: you are not alone in your funky relationship with money.
And here’s what I know for sure: money would love to be your friend. To support your dreams, desires, your creative ideas.
But as long as you hold on to any judgment around your desires, you’ll keep yourself stuck.
If you make yourself wrong, bad, greedy, selfish, manipulative for wanting more, for desiring wealth, then your subconscious will never let your desires become manifest.
Manifestation isn’t magic. It’s about you owning all of you, and consciously creating what you desire.
Imagine you want to manifest an additional $5,000 this month. Whatever your career or any avenues you have open to receive income, you want an extra $5k to come in.
One part of you - this conscious, adult self who wrote it down in your journal, sees an affirmation on your mirror and imagines this $5k, truly does want it.
But, let’s explore another part of you. The part that whispers “your desires don’t matter. Good girls don’t ask for too much. Who are you to want $5,000? Who would you be taking it from? Why should you get that money? If you do get it, you’ll just waste it. You were never any good with money. Better not to have it at all.”
That part of you is sometimes quieter - hiding in the shadows of your subconscious, in places you’ve long since accepted as “just the way it is.”
But that part dictates most of what’s possible for you to manifest.
The wounded pieces of you. The pieces that feel like self doubt, uncertainty, and shrinking away from what you truly want.
I believe that your desires are reason enough for you to have what you want. That pure, soul-led desires are whispers from the divine that guide you toward the work you’re here to create, the human you’re here to be.
Do you trust your desires? Share below.




1. Get coached by me every month for $5 a day. Click here to join the Inner Circle - a group coaching membership where you'll get access to my entire library of digital content - from business trainings to manifestation programs, healing tools and embodiment practices, you get it all. And monthly coaching calls to ask me all your questions.

2. Feel like you suck at manifesting? Grab my How to (actually) manifest workshop here.

3. Listen to the Surviving to Thriving podcast if you want to get really intimate. This is where I share all things behind the scenes.... lessons learned, vulnerable moments, and tools to thrive in all areas of your life. Grab and journal and listen up!