Manifestation isn't Magic. But it works!


Of all the problems people ask me about, money anxiety, struggles with “getting by,” and “just enough,” crippling guilt and shame over debt are some of the most common.
So first, let me remind you: you are not alone in your funky relationship with money.
And here’s what I know for sure: money would love to be your friend. To support your dreams, desires, your creative ideas.
But as long as you hold on to any judgment around your desires, you’ll keep yourself stuck.
If you make yourself wrong, bad, greedy, selfish, manipulative for wanting more, for desiring wealth, then your subconscious will never let your desires become manifest.
Manifestation isn’t magic. It’s about you owning all of you, and consciously creating what you desire.
Imagine you want to manifest an additional $5,000 this month. Whatever your career or any avenues you have open to receive income, you want an extra $5k to come in.
One part of you - this conscious, adult self who wrote it down in your journal, sees an affirmation on your mirror and imagines this $5k, truly does want it.
But, let’s explore another part of you. The part that whispers “your desires don’t matter. Good girls don’t ask for too much. Who are you to want $5,000? Who would you be taking it from? Why should you get that money? If you do get it, you’ll just waste it. You were never any good with money. Better not to have it at all.”
That part of you is sometimes quieter - hiding in the shadows of your subconscious, in places you’ve long since accepted as “just the way it is.”
But that part dictates most of what’s possible for you to manifest.
The wounded pieces of you. The pieces that feel like self doubt, uncertainty, and shrinking away from what you truly want.
I believe that your desires are reason enough for you to have what you want. That pure, soul-led desires are whispers from the divine that guide you toward the work you’re here to create, the human you’re here to be.
Do you trust your desires? Share below.




1. Get coached by me every month for $5 a day. Click here to join the Inner Circle - a group coaching membership where you'll get access to my entire library of digital content - from business trainings to manifestation programs, healing tools and embodiment practices, you get it all. And monthly coaching calls to ask me all your questions.

2. Feel like you suck at manifesting? Grab my How to (actually) manifest workshop here.

3. Listen to the Surviving to Thriving podcast if you want to get really intimate. This is where I share all things behind the scenes.... lessons learned, vulnerable moments, and tools to thrive in all areas of your life. Grab and journal and listen up!

Are you a Type A Over-Achiever?


It's both a blessing and a curse to be a type A overachiever.

On one hand, it feels good to be good at most everything you do. The ego likes that.

But you know what? I don't give a f*ck what my ego wants. I want to starve my ego, and live from a place of light and love. Ego has no place in that world.

Being good at the expected path in life left me confused and uncertain about what I wanted my life to look like for many years. I felt like shit looked good on the outside… I was getting into fancy colleges then getting job offers, then promotions. I won awards and was celebrated by friends, colleagues, family.

But I felt hollow. Like I was living on accident, not intentionally.

And then, I started to listen. To ask myself what I wanted –

When did I feel radiant, energized, excited?

When did I feel real?

I realized that I have to be of service. And not just selling people shit they don't need, not even teaching people. I need to create community, to create a place for people to do their own work. To heal. To own their light. To find their version of healthy, happy, blissed out, radiant.

Their version of real.

That's that work I'm here to do. It's too important not to.

Have you asked yourself recently when was the last time you felt radiant, energized and excited? The last time you felt real?




1. Get coached by me every month for $5 a day. Click here to join the Inner Circle - a group coaching membership where you'll get access to my entire library of digital content - from business trainings to manifestation programs, healing tools and embodiment practices, you get it all. And monthly coaching calls to ask me all your questions.

2. Feel like you suck at manifesting? Grab my How to (actually) manifest workshop here.

3. Listen to the Surviving to Thriving podcast if you want to get really intimate. This is where I share all things behind the scenes.... lessons learned, vulnerable moments, and tools to thrive in all areas of your life. Grab and journal and listen up!

Let your triggers be a gift


When your stories of not being good enough show up, it's only natural that you'd feel frustrated, burned out, sad, angry. These moments can actually be an incredible gift.

Your triggers are just indicators of where you've still got some healing to do. Where your energy field is still crunched, stuck, blocked.

And when you lean on your tools (or learn some!) to move through the trigger, you get to start using them as a map. Feel a trigger, a crunch, an old story.

Lean into the block - sit with it, journal, tap, embodiment practice, yoga, meditation, chakra work, whatever you use to heal.

And watch your life shift.

Let your triggers be a gift.




1. Get coached by me every month for $5 a day. Click here to join the Inner Circle - a group coaching membership where you'll get access to my entire library of digital content - from business trainings to manifestation programs, healing tools and embodiment practices, you get it all. And monthly coaching calls to ask me all your questions.

2. Feel like you suck at manifesting? Grab my How to (actually) manifest workshop here.

3. Listen to the Surviving to Thriving podcast if you want to get really intimate. This is where I share all things behind the scenes.... lessons learned, vulnerable moments, and tools to thrive in all areas of your life. Grab and journal and listen up!

When did you stop letting yourself be free


When did you stop believing that passion, desire or pleasure were reason enough to act?

When you were young, you didn’t play pretend - imagining you were a pirate, or a queen, or a dragon - for some external gain. You didn’t play to make more money, get more likes or finally feel successful.

You played for the joy of play.
Created for the ecstasy of creation.

Mud pies and abstract drawings - always colored outside to lines.

You danced because it felt good to dance. Laughed because it felt good to laugh.

So I wonder - when did that stop?

When did you start creating to get someone’s approval?
When did you start dreaming within the confines of someone else‘s reality?
When did you stop letting yourself be free - to dance, to create, to dream - for the fear of looking silly?

When I write, I do it from a place of passion. When I feel juicy, tapped in, ignited by what I have to say.
Creation from a place of depth.

And believe me - it’s not that I’m not afraid of being judged. Or rejected. I’m an entrepreneur - I stare rejection in the eyes every day, and still I create.

Because my passion, play and pleasure fuel me. Because I don’t deny myself the divinity of my desires. Because I have spent so much time loving on and connecting to the little version of me, who remembers what it’s like to play, laugh, and dance without concern.

What it’s like is freedom.

So my invitation to you is this: ask yourself, specifically… when did you stop letting yourself be free?

That is the moment where you start again.


1. Get coached by me every month for $5 a day. Click here to join the Inner Circle - a group coaching membership where you'll get access to my entire library of digital content - from business trainings to manifestation programs, healing tools and embodiment practices, you get it all. And monthly coaching calls to ask me all your questions.

2. Feel like you suck at manifesting? Grab my How to (actually) manifest workshop here.

3. Listen to the Surviving to Thriving podcast if you want to get really intimate. This is where I share all things behind the scenes.... lessons learned, vulnerable moments, and tools to thrive in all areas of your life. Grab and journal and listen up!

Chelsea Quint by the Numbers: My Business Income Over the Years

Chelsea Quint by the Numbers: My Business Income Over the Years

This industry is incredible in many ways - and, the ridiculous obsession with money, giant numbers and six figure success is crazy making.

Don’t get me wrong. I love money. I love helping people make money. And, I don’t love the fluffy notion that you’re a failure if you don’t start a business and make $10,000 every month right away.

So, to dispel some of that nonsense, and show you what’s possible, I’m sharing my numbers. From the year I started to now, how much cash my business has generated, and a rough overview of what offerings and programs created that revenue.

Here’s what I hope you’ll take away from this:

  1. Things can change so quickly. I went from less than $30,000 to more than $130,000 in one year. and , the $130,000 year I actually worked less, and business felt easier. Stop giving up on yourself before you’ve even started. 

  2. The only way to fail is to give up. No matter what happens in year one, you can grow from there. 

  3. Life will always be happening. There will always be a reason not to start, a reason why the time isn’t right. So… start. Now. Today. 

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The F Word Will Set You Free

The F Word Will Set You Free

Today, I want to talk to you about one of my favorite F words - no, it’s not fuck (though there’s a post on that f word coming soon, so stay tuned!), but instead that word that’s so often talked about in the spiritual community: forgiveness. 

How many times have you heard the phrase “forgiveness will set you free?”

Likely, a ton. But if you’re really honest with yourself, how tapped in are you to the feeling and practice of forgiveness?

For so many of us, not very tapped in at all.

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